My Baby Has a Big Red Bump on.head

​​​Past: Nick Nguyen, MD, FAAP & Sheilagh 1000. Maguiness, MD, FAAD, FAAP

Gazing at your new baby, taking in every little item, is 1 of the many joys of parenthood. Among many unique features you might notice is a birthmark, a different-looking spot on the skin that a baby is built-in with or develops presently subsequently birth.

There are two master types of birthmarks: pigmented, spots of pare that comprise extra pigment (color); and vascular, which comprise actress blood vessels that didn't fully form. Both types are usually harmless, and some become abroad on their own. But some need to be watched to make sure they don't crusade bug. Be sure to talk with your pediatrician about any birthmarks or rashes you notice on your infant.

Vascular Birthmarks—Pink, Red & Blueish

Pinkish, ruddy, and blueish birthmarks often are made up of actress claret vessels. The extra blood can make some vascular birthmarks experience warm to touch. Vascular birthmarks may look and bear differently depending on the blazon of blood vessels in them. The about common blood vessel birthmarks include:

Nevus Simplex: "salmon patch," "angel kiss" & "stork bite" birthmarks

Nevus Simplex - HealthyChildren.orgNevus simplex are flat pinkish or carmine birthmarks that upwardly to fourscore% of babies are born with. They are collections of small, scarlet blood vessels chosen capillaries. Often, these marks are located on the eyelids, forehead, back of cervix, meridian of head, under the nose, and lower back. Sometimes, they are called "salmon patch" marks, "stork bites" (when located on back of the neck) and "angel kisses" (when they're betwixt the eyebrows).

Nevus simplex birthmarks usually volition become away on their own by the fourth dimension your baby is a toddler. Do not be alarmed if the birthmark gets darker when your baby becomes more than emotional or agile—this is normal.

Near nevus simples are totally harmless and do not need treatment. But be sure to talk with your pediatrician if they are large or located in unexpected areas.

Port Wine Stains

Port wine stain - Port wine stain - HealthyChildren.orgPort wine stains are fairly common, seen in well-nigh 3 in 1,000 children. They are similar to nevus simplex: flat, pink or cerise birthmarks fabricated up of extra capillaries. They also are visible at nascency. But these birthmarks are usually larger than nevus simplex and may affect more areas of the face and body. Unlike some other birthmarks, port wine stains do non become abroad. They abound as your child grows, but slowly. Over time, they may go darker and thicker.

Port wine stains aren't usually linked to any health problems. If the birthmark affects a certain part of the face, like the eyelid and forehead, though, it may be related to a status called Sturge-Weber syndrome. This condition is rare, but your doctor may recommend more evaluation or testing if your baby is at risk.

Some children and teens are not bothered past their port-wine stain, while others may feel cocky-conscious virtually them. Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation treatment may be able to lighten the birthmark some and help foreclose darkening and thickening. But it will not "erase" the birthmark in most cases.

Infantile Hemangiomas

Infantile Hemangiomas - Infantile Hemangiomas - HealthyChildren.orgThese benign growths, which usually appear in the first few weeks of life, are made of extra blood vessels in the skin. Infantile hemangiomas are adequately common--found in up to 5% of infants. They usually abound rapidly, so gradually shrink and fade. If they form almost the top of the peel, they are red (and sometimes called "strawberry marks"). Deeper in the skin, they may look bluish or imperial, similar bruises.

Infantile hemangiomas grow most quickly in the first 5-7 weeks of life, so it is important to talk to your pediatrician about them early. Some hemangiomas may exist associated with certain health problems and crave boosted testing and/or treatment. Safe treatments are available today for problem hemangiomas. Only these treatments usually piece of work best when started shortly later these birthmarks form--more often than not by around one calendar month age. Talk with your pediatrician if you retrieve your baby may take an infantile hemangioma.

Built Hemangiomas

Congenital Hemangioma - HealthyChildren.orgBuilt hemangiomas are present at birth. Sometimes, they can be seen during prenatal ultrasound exams. They are different from infantile hemangiomas and much rarer. This type of hemangioma does non grow afterwards the baby is born. Congenital hemangioma often look like a large round or oval bump or mass. They tend to be purple to blue, but may besides have tiny ruby-red blood vessels on the surface and a white ring around the base.

Some of these birthmarks begin to disappear apace (a type called chop-chop involuting congenital hemangioma). Another type, non-involuting congenital hemangioma, does not become away at all. In about cases, congenital hemangiomas are not dangerous and practise not need treatment. If the birthmark does not go away, information technology can be removed with surgery or other treatments when a kid is older.

Venous Malformation

Venous Malformation - Venous Malformation - HealthyChildren.orgVenous malformations are tangles of veins in the skin that did not form properly during evolution. The veins requite these birthmarks a blue or purple color. They are present at birth but may not become obvious until the teenage years. The veins can become larger with activeness or certain positions, and they may become painful. Venous malformations are rare, affecting around two in x,000 children.

These birthmarks may cause no bug at all. But handling may exist needed if the birthmark is painful or affects your kid's activities. Sometimes, small clots called phleboliths form in the veins. In most cases, these clots are not harmful but can be hard and cause hurting. Compression garments, medications, surgery or procedures may be among treatment options.

Nigh venous malformations are located only in the skin, merely sometimes they tin as well be constitute in muscles, bones, or organs. Your md may recommend a scan to get more information well-nigh your child's birthmark.

Blood Vessel Birthmarks

What does it expect like?

Does it need to be treated?

Nevus Simplex

  • Flat, pinkish or red birthmarks present at birth.
  • Sometimes called "salmon patch" marks.
  • Based on location, besides called "stork seize with teeth" (on back of neck) and "angel kiss" (betwixt the eyes).
  • Most exercise not need handling and go abroad on their own by the toddler years.
  • Talk with your pediatrician if the birthmark is large or in an unusual surface area.

Port-Vino Stain

  • Flat, pink or red birthmarks that may expect similar maroon liquid splashed on skin.
  • Like, but usually larger than, nevus simplex.
  • May affect more than areas on the face and body.
  • Usually no related health problems.
  • If they are on certain parts of head and face, tests may be needed for rare related health status.
  • May become darker and thicker over time; light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation treatment may aid lighten them some.

Infantile Hemangioma

  • Bumpy red or flat bluish marks usually appearing in first few weeks of life.
  • About the meridian of the skin, they're red ("strawberry marks").
  • Deeper in the skin, they look blue or purple, similar bruises.
  • Usually don't crusade problems, but some need handling to avert permanent changes or health problems.
  • Afterward a catamenia of fast growth, usually beginning to shrink and fade at about age 1.

Congenital Hemangioma

  • Usually large circular or oval bumps that are fully formed at birth.
  • Purple or bluish in color, some with tiny red claret vessels on surface & white ring around base of operations.
  • Usually require no treatment.
  • One type (apace involuting) starts to disappear speedily.
  • Others (non-involuting) don't go away.
  • Tin be removed later with surgery and other treatments.

Venous Malformation

  • Bluish or purplish tangles of veins in the peel that did not course properly during development.
  • Present at birth but may not become obvious until teen years.
  • Treatment may non be demand unless the birthmark becomes painful or affects your child's activities.
  • Sometimes, small clots form in the veins. In nearly cases, the clots are non harmful.

Pigmented Baby Birthmarks—Brown & Grey

Brown and gray birthmarks may be made of extra melanocytes—the cells that produce pigment (colour) in the pare. Pigmented birthmarks can wait and comport differently from each other. Some are harmless, just others can come up with health problems for your baby.

Built Melanocytic Nevi (Moles)

Congenital Nevi - Congenital Nevi - HealthyChildren.orgBuilt melanocytic nevi are unremarkably called moles. They can be present at nativity or appear during the first year of life. These birthmarks are common, found in i-3% of newborns. Congenital nevi can expect very different from each other. Most are brownish, but they may likewise accept shades of pinkish, carmine, or black. Sometimes they take bumps or hair, and they may become rough or raised. Most congenital melanocytic nevi are harmless and usually do non require handling or removal. Many dermatologists and pediatric dermatologist only monitor them at well-child visits. They tin also tell yous what changes yous should watch for in your kid's birthmark.

A nevi usually grows larger every bit your kid grows, but non speedily. They are classified based on their size: small, medium and large/giant nevi. Big and behemothic nevi may have a higher adventure for a type of skin cancer, melanoma, compared to small congenital nevi or other moles that appear after in life. It'due south important for all children, but particularly those with this type of birthmark, to wear sun protection outdoors.

A child with more than one congenital melanocytic nevus always needs to be evaluated by his or her pediatrician or pediatric dermatologist. Having more than one built nevus at nascence may be related to problems with the brain and spinal string. Your doctor may recommend a scan of these areas in this case, but this is extremely rare. Acquire more and lookout a video on identifying moles from The Club for Pediatric Dermatology.


Cafe-au-lait - HealthyChildren.orgCafé-au-lait means "coffee with milk," which describes the light brown color of these common birthmarks. As many as 20-30% of people have 1. The marks are flat and ordinarily circular or oval shaped. Virtually are smaller than a kid's palm and accept shine borders. They are visible at birth or develop very early in life.

Most café-au-lait spots are harmless. They are unlikely to plough into skin cancer, simply may go darker with more sun exposure. A large café au lait spot with jagged borders may be linked with a rare genetic condition called McCune-Albright syndrome. Multiple café-au-lait spots can be a sign of other weather, including one called neurofibromatosis. If your child has a large café-au-lait spot, more v spots, or spots in the armpits/groin, talk with your pediatrician nearly them.

Dermal Melanocytosis

Dermal Melanocytosis - HealthyChildren.orgThese are the most common birthmarks in babies with highly pigmented skin. They are seen in 85% of Asians, 96% of blacks & 46% of Hispanic babies at nativity. They are ordinarily located on the lower back and bottom, but some babies may have spots on different areas of the trunk. These birthmarks may be a mix of colors including brown, grey, blue and black. Their unique color comes from having pigment in different layers of the skin.

Nearly dermal melanocytosis birthmarks, which used to be called Mongolian spots, gradually fade. Many disappear by the toddler years. The majority of them are harmless and do not need treatment. In rare cases, these birthmarks may exist associated with genetic conditions. If your baby has other health problems and several spots, please talk with your pediatrician.

Pigmentary Mosaicism

Mosaicism - HealthyChildren.orgMosaicism is a word that means 2 sets of DNA, or genes, are nowadays in the same person. In pigmentary mosaicism, different genes might affect the color of the skin. These changes can be subtle or very big. Pigmentary mosaicism birthmarks have unique patterns including lines and swirls. With sunday exposure, areas tin become lighter or darker.

Even though the genetic modify involved with pigmentary mosaicism is nowadays at nativity, the affected peel may not turn color until afterward in life. Sometimes sun exposure can cause this to happen. These changes can give the illusion that the birthmark is "spreading." In nigh children, pigmentary mosaicism is harmless. A small-scale number of may take problems with the basic, optics or brain particularly if their birthmark covers a big surface area of their body, and so your pediatrician may recommend some tests.

Pigmented Baby Birthmarks

What does it look similar?

Does it need to be treated?

Congenital Melanocytic Nevi

  • Various sized moles present at birth or appearing during first year of life.
  • Most are chocolate-brown but may also have shades of pink, cherry, or black.
  • Some may have a lot of hair.
  • Can become crude, bumpy and raised.
  • Most are harmless, merely it is important to watch for changes in the birthmark.
  • Sun protection is important to avoid unhealthy changes.
  • Larger nevi present at birth, and multiple moles that appear, should be checked for related health conditions.


  • Café-au-lait ("coffee with milk") describes the light brown color of these spots.
  • Flat and usually circular or oval shaped.
  • Nearly are smaller than a kid'south palm.
  • Present at nativity or early in life.
  • About are harmless and need no handling.
  • A large one with jagged borders--or multiple café-au-lait spots (more than v spots, or spots in the armpits or groin) --should exist checked for a possible rare genetic condition.

Dermal Melanocytosis

  • May be a mix of colors including chocolate-brown, gray, blue, and black.
  • Unique color comes from having pigment in different layers of pare.
  • Usually located on the lower back and lesser.
  • Well-nigh are harmless and go away on their ain past toddler years.
  • In rare cases, may be associated with rare genetic conditions.

Pigmentary Mosaicism

  • Accept unique patterns, including lines and swirls.
  • Afflicted skin, which contains dissimilar genes at birth, may not plough colour until later in life.
  • With lord's day exposure, areas tin get lighter or darker.
  • Usually harmless.
  • In rare cases, especially if the birthmark covers a big surface area of the body, may signal related problems with the basic, eyes or brain.


Almost birthmarks are harmless and are office of what makes your child unique. Merely some types of birthmarks can come with potential wellness problems or may crusade some children to experience self-conscious. That'south why it is of import to talk with your pediatrician about any unusual marks or changes on your child'due south skin. At that place are safety and effective treatment options bachelor today that are peculiarly effective when started early.

Additional Data:

  • Infantile Hemangiomas: About Strawberry Infant Birthmarks

  • What is a Pediatric Dermatologist?

  • What is a Pediatric Plastic Surgeon?

  • 12 Mutual Summertime Peel Rashes in Children

About Dr. Nguyen:

Nicholas Nguyen, MD, FAAPNicholas Nguyen, MD, FAAP, is a pediatric dermatologist and the Director of Pediatric Dermatology at Akron Children's Hospital in Akron, OH. Within the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), he is the early career physician liaison to the Section on Dermatology Executive Committee and is also the AAP Pediatric Dermatology Case of the Month editor.

About Dr. Maguiness:

MaguinessSheilagh M. Maguiness, MD, FAAD, FAAP, is a pediatric dermatologist and the Manager of Pediatric Dermatology at the Academy of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. Dr. Maguiness is VP of Education and Career Development for the Society for Pediatric Dermatology. Inside the American University of Pediatrics, she is a fellow member of the Section on Dermatology Executive Committee and is Chair of the Section on Dermatology Education Sub-Committee.

The information contained on this Web site should non exist used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your pediatrician. There may be variations in treatment that your pediatrician may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances.


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